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  • Using the Truth of God's Word to direct people to see that the Bible is being fulfilled today!


  • Showing God's plan of Salvation through the finished work of Christ on the cross for the lost.


  • Living in the expectancy of the soon return of Jesus for believers is the only Hope for a sin cursed world. 


Dr. Robert Lindsted has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, and taught for nine years in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas. As an Engineering Consultant, he has worked with over 100 companies on various projects. Since leaving WSU in 1979, Dr. Lindsted has been devoted full time to the Lord’s work. He has spoken at numerous Bible Conferences, Prophecy Conferences and at Youth Camps in over 35 states, as well as in Canada, Scotland, Jamaica & the Bahamas.

Dr. Robert Lindsted

Dr. Lindsted takes a special interest in working with young people and is the Superintendent of Sunrise Christian Academy. Sunrise currently enrolls over 500 students from Pre-K through grade 12, and includes a Childcare Facility for children, ages 1 to 4. In addition to his local involvement, Dr. Lindsted has been a regular speaker on the daily radio program entitled "Bible Truth." Over the years, more than 300,000 tapes have gone out from radio programs and conference messages. Dr. Lindsted is also a Christian author, and his first non-fiction book, "The Next Move," was published in 1985. Other publications include: "The Certainty of Bible Prophecy," "Travel Guide to Israel," "Can You Really Know Your Future?" and "The Power of the Cross".


One of Dr. Lindsted’s greatest concerns over the past fifteen years has been to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to countries with an open door. He took his first trip to the former Soviet Union in 1991, with 37 other Christians. His heart was stirred as he saw the conditions of the country and the people’s spiritual hunger for God’s Word, and thus “Milk & Honey Ministries” was formed. To date, over 5 million Bibles, Gospels of John, and other tracts, have been distributed to the Russian people.


Dr. Lindsted was born in 1946, and raised in Kansas. He and his wife, Sharon, have 3 children: Pam, Byron, & Kyle; seven grandsons: Casey, Cody, Chase, Joseph, Cayden, Zak, and CJ and two granddaughters: Kyron and Cyleigh.

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